Saturday, June 03, 2006

Story in a Bottle

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You have all heard of messages in a bottle. Well now it is your chance to write a story to go in a bottle that le Enchanteur can keep in her cabin on board the Calabar.

After yesterday's tantrum Enchanteur seems much more tranquil and her cabin appears idyllic but it would be well to be cautioned that she is a shape shifter and can change with the breezes that puff up the Calabar's sails.

Keep Enchanteur happy by doing a bit of the Arabian Nights style story telling and create some stories to go in bottles. Of course it would be fun to have decorated bottles to match the stories.


At 2:13 AM, Blogger Heather Blakey said...

Well JayJay you will simply have to send me some details and within two shakes of the keyboard you will be signed in. Flattery like that gets you everywhere. :-)


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