Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Red Shoes

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by Elizabeth Atkinson


At 1:55 PM, Blogger Anita Marie Moscoso said...

At one point my sister, Esther had something like 30 pairs of shoes. Gads, she probably named them all too.

I on the other hand wore black motorcyle boots ( engineer boots ) until I was almost 18.

It wasn't a fashion thing, I had sprained and twisted my ankles so much with dirt bike riding and during soccer matches...falling out of trees, etc etc I was in danger of winding up in braces or some sort of rehab to get them straightend and back up to normal.

I was about 14 at this point

So my Doctor told my mom to get me these boots because they were reinforced with steel rods and would probably do the job.

They did...and I looked so cool you'd just die!

But red...red is my FAVORITE color.

Anita Marie


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